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Find an APN Partner Through Our Refreshed Discovery Experience

AWS Partner NetworkFor AWS Partner Network (APN) Partners at the Select Tier and above, the Find an APN Partner web experience enables AWS customers to easily search for and connect with APN Consulting and Technology Partners based on their business needs.

Customers regularly use this tool to discover APN Partners that can help them design, migrate, manage, and optimize workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

You can leverage the refreshed discovery experience here at to find APN Partners with AWS-validated qualifications for a variety of use cases.

This new experience is also available in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.

As a customer, you can search for APN Partners by industry, use case, services, and other offerings.


The revised user experience includes simplified navigation, improved mobile optimization, and new data elements highlighting each APN Partner’s AWS-validated qualifications. It also includes new filtering options and the ability to share partner profiles on social media from within the page.

The experience also allows customers to directly contact partners, who typically respond within 2-3 business days.


How Do I Search for APN Partners?

The Find an APN Partner search bar delivers results based on partner name, APN program designations, solutions, case studies, locations (offices), and other key areas important to customers.

You can further refine searches based on partner type and tier, industry, services, use cases, and by public sector criteria such as socio-economic categories and contract vehicles.

Each APN Partner’s standing in the search results depends on several factors. It’s primarily based on search relevance to user inputted keywords, but other factors that influence standing on the page include APN tier and participation in APN programs like Competency and Public Sector.

Partners must be Select, Advanced, or Premier Tier to have a visible listing on the Find an APN Partner experience.


What’s Included in a Partner’s Profile Listing?

The listing for each APN Partner includes important information about their AWS offering:

  • AWS Competencies
  • AWS service validations
  • APN program participation (such as Managed Service Providers)
  • AWS Certifications
  • Public sector contract vehicles
  • Technology solutions
  • Consulting practice offerings
  • Customer references
  • Partner locations

Some of this information—including APN program designations like Competency—is reported by AWS and will appear in the partner’s listing automatically. Other information, such as company logo and description, are self-reported by APN Partners in their Partner Central account.

For APN Partners: Alliance Leads can manage this content on the My Partner Solution Finder listing page in Partner Central.

Can I Contact an APN Partner Directly?

Customers have the option to contact APN Partners directly through their listing, which creates a lead for partners via the AWS Customer Engagements (ACE) Program.

When you choose to connect with an APN Partner, you will be asked to share your company’s information, contact details, and a description of your project.

For APN Partners: Alliance Leads can view leads in Partner Central in the My Customers tab under the “Leads” section. Learn more about managing ACE opportunities.

How Do I Share Feedback on a Partner Engagement?

To help APN Partners gather feedback that can be used to optimize their AWS offerings, we have a Rate this Partner feature on their listing.

Customers can submit feedback about a partner’s business, service, or experience:

  • Visit the Find an APN Partner experience.
  • Search for the APN Partner you worked with.
  • Click the Rate this Partner button in the “Share Feedback” section.
  • Fill in and submit the Customer Review Form.
  • Complete the steps to validate your email address.

Each time you submit a review, AWS will ask permission to share your contact information with the partner. This allows APN Partners to know which individuals have submitted the feedback and to follow-up with them directly, if applicable.

The APN team reviews and verifies customer feedback to ensure responses are valid, constructive, and insightful.

For APN Partners: Alliance Leads can view customer reviews in the Partner Scorecard under the “Customer Reviews” section in Partner Central. Learn more about the APN Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) program.

Getting Started

For AWS customers, start leveraging this refreshed discovery experience at to find APN Partners with validated qualifications for a variety of AWS use cases.

For APN Partners, you can read our FAQs and Knowledge Base articles to learn more about the new experience, and check out our user guide for partners to dive even deeper.

Please contact your APN representative if you have questions or want to talk to the APN team about updating your profile listing.