AWS Feed
Congratulations, Rustaceans, on the creation of the Rust Foundation!

We celebrate today’s announcement of the creation of the Rust Foundation with the rest of the Rust community. As a founding member of the Rust Foundation, AWS is dedicated to the Rust Foundation’s mission to empower Rust maintainers to joyfully do their best work.

Ten years and thousands of contributors in the making, the Rust project and community have had a resounding impact on technology. Many organizations are using and benefiting from Rust. At AWS, Rust’s innovative type system and ownership model make it possible to deliver new customer experiences—great customer experiences—more quickly and at a lower cost. That’s really powerful.

And Rust’s product focus delivers a developer experience that has put Rust at the top of Stack Overflow’s “Most Loved” programming languages list for five straight years. The Rust community’s focus on the ergonomics of the language as well as the joy of the contributor experience make it both fun to build with Rust and fun to contribute to the Rust ecosystem.

Rust delivers results

The Rust language has quickly become critical to building infrastructure at scale at AWS. We use Rust to deliver services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon CloudFront, and more. Recently, we launched Bottlerocket, a Linux-based container operating system written in Rust. Our Amazon EC2 team uses Rust as the language of choice for new AWS Nitro System components, including sensitive applications, such as Nitro Enclaves. AWS uses Rust to deliver high performance services for our customers, quickly and securely.

We recognize that we’re the beneficiaries of amazing contributions from a large community, and we are excited to be able to participate in Rust’s future successes. The Rust Foundation creates a neutral place for the diverse Rust community to innovate together. We’re delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with others on growing and improving the Rust ecosystem.

The Rust project’s autonomous teams work independently governed only by a set of shared principles. We recognize that the independence of the Rust project, the uniqueness of the Rust community and culture, and the elegance of the Rust developer experience are what deliver results. Those results are amazing.

The reason that AWS engineers are choosing Rust to build services is that it allows them to deliver customer experiences that meet our high quality and security bars much more quickly and at a lower cost. AWS will continue to invent and reinvent customer experiences using Rust, and we are thrilled to be able to participate in the Rust community through our membership in the new Rust Foundation. We’re trying to build relationships and technology that will outlast us all.

Congratulations, Rustaceans!