Azure Stack for disconnected environments. (Oil and Gas) 

Azure Stack is a truly exciting and powerful service that unlocks so many possibilities. Azure Stack allows organization to bring core and advanced cloud services to the edge and disconnected environments, whether it’s a field office, vehicle, ship, or aircraft.

What is Azure Stack? 

Microsoft Azure Stack is a hybrid cloud platform that lets you deliver Azure services in your data center. Azure Stack can enable new scenarios for your modern applications, such as edge and disconnected environments, or meet specific security and compliance requirements. 

Let’s use the oil and gas sector as a scenario as we talk about Azure Stack for disconnected environments. Several companies have already leveraged the power of Azure Stack in their drilling operations. Many times, these drilling sites simply don’t have the bandwidth needed to send data to Azure to leverage analytics and\or automation services that Azure provides. The Azure Stack system is built for the most demanding environments and can operate in disaster relief scenarios. Being able to take the power of Azure Stack and AI to the edge brings those that are in disconnected environments the ability to do things that were never possible before. Think about the power of running real time analytics and automation at the drill site without the requirement of bandwidth.   

Azure Stack: An extension of Azure (pdf)