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AWS achieves Spain’s ENS High certification across 149 services

Gaining and maintaining customer trust is an ongoing commitment at Amazon Web Services (AWS). We continually add more services to our ENS certification scope. This helps to assure public sector organizations in Spain that want to build secure applications and services on AWS that the expected ENS certification security standards are being met.

ENS certification establishes security standards that apply to all government agencies and public organizations in Spain, and to service providers that the public services are dependent on. Spain’s National Security Framework is regulated under Royal Decree 3/2010 and was developed through close collaboration between Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC), the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, and the National Cryptologic Centre (CCN), as well as other administrative bodies.

We’re excited to announce the addition of 44 new services to the scope of our Spain Esquema Nacional de Seguridad (ENS) High certification, for a total of 149 services. The certification covers all AWS Regions. Some of the new security services included in ENS High scope are:

  • Amazon Macie is a data security and data privacy service that uses machine learning and pattern matching to help you discover, monitor, and protect your sensitive data in AWS.
  • AWS Control Tower is a service you can use to set up and govern a new, secure, multi-account AWS environment based on best practices established through AWS’s experience working with thousands of enterprises as they move to the cloud.
  • Amazon Fraud Detector is a fully managed machine learning (ML) fraud detection solution that provides everything needed to build, deploy, and manage fraud detection models.
  • AWS Network Firewall is a managed service that makes it easier to deploy essential network protections for all your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPC).

AWS’s achievement of the ENS High certification is verified by BDO España, which conducted an independent audit and attested that AWS meets the required confidentiality, integrity, and availability standards.

For more information about ENS High, see the AWS Compliance page Esquema Nacional de Seguridad High. To view which services are covered, see the ENS High tab on the AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program page. You can download the Esquema Nacional de Seguridad (ENS) Certificate from AWS Artifact in the AWS Console or from the Compliance page Esquema Nacional de Seguridad High.

As always, we’re committed to bringing new services into the scope of our ENS High program based on your architectural and regulatory needs. Please reach out to your AWS account team or if you have questions about the ENS program.

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Niyaz Noor

Niyaz is a Security Audit Program Manager at AWS. Niyaz leads multiple security certification programs across the Asia Pacific, Japan, and Europe Regions. During his professional career, he has helped multiple cloud service providers obtain global and regional security certifications. He is passionate about delivering programs that build customers’ trust and provide them assurance on cloud security.