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AWS PartnerCast Announces ACE Training Series for AWS Partners 

By John Paxton, Sr. Partner Marketing Manager, AWS Training and Certification

AWS-PartnerCast-1AWS Training and Certification is constantly seeking innovative ways to help AWS Partners enhance their cloud skills and confidence.

With increases in remote working conditions over the past few months, our subject matter experts have been developing virtual training materials to help you better understand AWS offerings, best practices, and AWS Partner Network (APN) programs.

In this post, I will highlight the APN Customer Engagements (ACE) program and the upcoming AWS PartnerCast trainings designed to help you enhance your co-selling motions with AWS.

AWS PartnerCast is a free, interactive webinar series for all AWS Partners. Material is designed for individuals in both business and technical roles, providing knowledge about Amazon Web Services (AWS) products and services, best practices, APN programs, and marketing to help you better serve your customers.

What is the APN Customer Engagements Program?

The ACE program provides AWS Partners with a medium to engage with AWS sales representatives, marketing teams, and field marketing assets to enhance your co-selling capabilities with AWS.

Through the ACE program, qualifying AWS Partners are eligible to receive AWS Lead and Opportunity Referrals through the ACE Pipeline Manager in APN Partner Central. The ACE Pipeline Manager provides you with resources, tools, and the sales and technical support to ensure you are supported in driving meaningful engagements with AWS customers.

All AWS Partners can participate in ACE, regardless of where they are in their AWS Partner journey.

Learn more about what’s new with the ACE program >>

ACE Training Schedule

ACE 101 – Introduction to ACE

AWS Partner Development Managers will demonstrate how to submit opportunities via the ACE Pipeline Manager, best practices for engaging AWS sales teams, and manage opportunities after they have been launched.

ACE 102 – Best Practices for Opportunity Submission for Systems Integrators

Discover which SI opportunities are suitable for submission, how to fill out fields in ACE Pipeline Manager, and how to manage engagements in throughout the process.

ACE 102 – Best Practices for Opportunity Submission for ISVs

This ISV-focused webinar outlines which opportunities are suitable for submission and the tools available in ACE Pipeline Manager to help you manage opportunities throughout the engagement.

ACE 102 – Best Practices for Opportunity Submission of Windows Migration Deals

Learn Windows migration pipeline submission and management guidelines to support potential co-sell opportunities with AWS.

ACE 102 – Best Practices for SAP Opportunity Submission

Attend this webinar to learn SAP opportunity pipeline submission and management guidelines.

ACE 103 – Best Practices for Managing AWS-Generated Opportunities

Learn how to track, follow-up, and capitalize on opportunities sourced to you via AWS Sales personnel.

Stay Up-to-Date with AWS PartnerCast

Missed an AWS PartnerCast webinar? You can explore recorded AWS PartnerCast sessions any time and at your own pace. Just sign into APN Partner Central.

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