Field Notes: Monitor Your Couchbase Performance and Logs with Amazon CloudWatch

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedField Notes: Monitor Your Couchbase Performance and Logs with Amazon CloudWatch Cloud architects leverage AWS compute services to run customer-managed workloads like Couchbase clusters. While customer-managed workloads may come with their own monitoring metrics and dashboards, customers miss the same level of deep integration with Amazon CloudWatch that the AWS managed services provide. In…

Introducing AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.0

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedIntroducing AWS CloudFormation Guard 2.0 In their blog post published last year, Write preventive compliance rules for AWS CloudFormation templates the cfn-guard way, Luis, Raisa, and Josh showed you how to use CloudFormation Guard, an open source tool that helps validate your AWS CloudFormation templates against a rule set to keep AWS resources in…

Enable your mission-critical workloads with SUSE on Azure—sign up for SUSECON

By Dustin Ward

Microsoft is participating in SUSECON Digital 2021 to bring the latest technical integrations and support to SUSE Linux users. In the three-day event, Microsoft will participate in several activities from keynotes and demo sessions to booths. We will share the latest innovation that enables mission-critical SUSE workloads to migrate and operate in Azure during the…