Capgemini’s Trusted Logistics and Drug Counterfeit Solution for the Pharma Industry

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedCapgemini’s Trusted Logistics and Drug Counterfeit Solution for the Pharma Industry By Pradyumna Pendse; Sandesh Chauhan; Abhishek Ranjan – CapgeminiBy Hemant Sharma, Lana Kalashnyk; Nikhil Chetwani – AWS The traditional supply chain has a lot of inefficiencies and bottlenecks that can lead to losses and pilferage. There are losses because of logistical inefficiencies, or because…

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles launches in Canada(Central) region

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAmazon Connect Customer Profiles launches in Canada(Central) region Amazon Connect now allows you to enable Amazon Connect Customer Profiles in Canada (Central) region, equipping contact center agents with the most up to date information about the incoming contact to provide faster and more personalized customer service. Customer Profiles automatically brings together customer information from…

Deploying machine learning models with serverless templates

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedDeploying machine learning models with serverless templates This post written by Sean Wilkinson, Machine Learning Specialist Solutions Architect, and Newton Jain, Senior Product Manager for Lambda After designing and training machine learning models, data scientists deploy the models so applications can use them. AWS Lambda is a compute service that lets you run code without…

Field Notes: Accelerating Data Science with RStudio and Shiny Server on AWS Fargate

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedField Notes: Accelerating Data Science with RStudio and Shiny Server on AWS Fargate Data scientists continuously look for ways to accelerate time to value for analytics projects.  RStudio Server is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R, which is used to render analytics visualizations for faster decision making. These visualizations are traditionally hosted…

Azure Container Registry is now available in West US 3

By Dustin Ward

Azure Container Registry is now generally available in West US 3 region. Azure Container Registry handles private Docker container images as well as related content formats, such as Helm charts, OCI artifacts, and images built to the OCI image format specification.