Can we solve serverless cold starts?

By Dustin Ward

As everything good in life, serverless also comes with its downsides. One of them is the infamous “cold start”. In this article, we’ll cover what they are, what influences serverless startup latency, and how to mitigate its impacts in our applications. What is a cold start? Cold start refers to the state our function when…

Using Cloud Fitness Functions to Drive Evolutionary Architecture

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedUsing Cloud Fitness Functions to Drive Evolutionary Architecture “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” – often attributed to Charles Darwin One common strategy for businesses that operate in dynamic market conditions (and thus need to continuously…

Automate annotation of image training data with Amazon Rekognition

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAutomate annotation of image training data with Amazon Rekognition Every machine learning (ML) model demands data to train it. If your model isn’t predicting Titanic survival or iris species, then acquiring a dataset might be one of the most time-consuming parts of your model-building process—second only to data cleaning. What data cleaning looks like…

The three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedThe three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules In this post, we explain what the three most important AWS WAF rate-based rules are for proactively protecting your web applications against common HTTP flood events, and how to implement these rules. We share what the Shield Response Team (SRT) has learned from helping customers respond…

Synchronize and control your Amazon Redshift clusters maintenance windows

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedSynchronize and control your Amazon Redshift clusters maintenance windows Amazon Redshift is a data warehouse that can expand to exabyte-scale. Today, tens of thousands of AWS customers (including NTT DOCOMO, Finra, and Johnson & Johnson) use Amazon Redshift to run mission-critical business intelligence dashboards, analyze real-time streaming data, and run predictive analytics jobs. Amazon…