Securing Serverless Applications with Critical Logging

By Dustin Ward

We’ve seen time and again how serverless architecture can benefit your application; graceful scaling, cost efficiency, and a fast production time are just some of the things you think of when talking about serverless. But what about serverless security? What do I need to do to ensure my application is not prone to attacks? One…

10 things in engineering we don’t spend enough time on

By Dustin Ward

Engineering time is a precious resource. We often have to balance many tasks and often conflicting priorities. In this article, we’ll look at ten activities for which allocating more time can be beneficial. Let’s learn from the mistakes of others. 1. Backups & Preventing Accidental Deletion Have you ever deleted something prematurely only to figure…

AWS Config RDK: Deploying the Custom Rules using the Terraform

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAWS Config RDK: Deploying the Custom Rules using the Terraform To help customers using the Terraform for multi-cloud infrastructure deployment, we have introduced a new feature in the AWS Config Rule Development Kit (RDK) that allows you to export custom AWS Config rules to Terraform files so that you can deploy the RDK rules…

Amazon Aurora Supports PostgreSQL 9.6.22, 10.17, 11.12, and 12.7

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAmazon Aurora Supports PostgreSQL 9.6.22, 10.17, 11.12, and 12.7 Following the announcement of updates to the PostgreSQL database by the open source community, we have updated Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition to support PostgreSQL versions 9.6.22, 10.17, 11.12, and 12.7. These releases contain bug fixes and improvements by the PostgreSQL community. As a reminder, Amazon…