Bushfire mitigation through Machine Learning with AusNet and AWS

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedBushfire mitigation through Machine Learning with AusNet and AWS Eastern Australia is among the most fire-prone regions in the world. Although bushfires are a regular occurrence in Australia, the 2019–2020 bushfire crisis set ablaze over 17 million hectares of land (larger than the size of England), costing the Australian economy more than $100 billion…

Implementing Auto Scaling for EC2 Mac Instances

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedImplementing Auto Scaling for EC2 Mac Instances This post is written by: Josh Bonello, Senior DevOps Architect, AWS Professional Services; Wes Fabella, Senior DevOps Architect, AWS Professional Services Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. The introduction of Amazon EC2 Mac now…