Use AutoGluon-Tabular in AWS Marketplace

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedUse AutoGluon-Tabular in AWS Marketplace AutoGluon-Tabular is an open-source AutoML framework that requires only a single line of Python to train highly accurate machine learning (ML) models on an unprocessed tabular dataset. In this post, we walk you through a way of using AutoGluon-Tabular as a code-free AWS Marketplace product. We use this process…

Azure HBv3 virtual machines for HPC, now up to 80 percent faster with AMD Milan-X CPUs

By Dustin Ward

Preview live today, available globally soon We are announcing that a preview is now live for Azure HBv3 virtual machines enhanced by 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ processors with AMD 3D V-cache, codenamed “Milan-X”. These processors significantly improve the performance, scaling efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of a variety of memory performance-bound workloads such as CFD, explicit finite…