Public preview: Managed Prometheus visualizations for Azure Monitor container insights
Container insights now supports out of the box visualizations using only managed Prometheus.
Container insights now supports out of the box visualizations using only managed Prometheus.
gRPC support for App Service Windows now in preview
Azure Log Analytics is announcing Workspace Replication, a new capability that enhances workspace resilience by enabling you to switch your workspace operation to another region if your primary region isn’t healthy.
Expanding extensibility model to Pulumi in Azure Deployment Environments
The Azure Firewall integration helps analysts perform detailed investigations of the malicious traffic intercepted by the IDPS feature of their firewalls across their entire fleet using natural language questions in the Copilot for Security standalone experience.
Increase your security posture and receive an analysis of the top Azure WAF rules triggered, top offending IPs in the environment, SQL injection and Cross-site scripting attacks blocked by WAF, along with natural language explanation of the analysis.