Getting Started with Ultra-Low Latency Using AWS Elemental Live – Part 2

By Dustin Ward

The AWS Elemental Live encoder version 2.17.3 now supports chunk delivery to AWS Elemental MediaStore enabling a stable user experience of 3-4 seconds glass-to-glass latency using standard HLS/DASH packaged content and delivered through traditional CDNs. This blog post, the final of a two-part series, provides a step-by-step guide to building an ultra-low latency (ULL) workflow…

Introduction to Amazon EFS Infrequent Access

By Dustin Ward

This short demo shows you how to easily get started with the Amazon Elastic File System Infrequent Access (EFS IA) storage class and optimizing storage cost with a EFS Lifecycle Management policy. Amazon EFS Infrequent Access provides price and performance for files not accessed everyday and automatically moves your files to the lower cost EFS…

Hadoop Basics Training Course Launched

By Dustin Ward

With great pride and pleasure, we are happy to announce the launch of our new Hadoop basics training course. Over the years, the importance of data has continued to increase considerably. Therefore, enterprises need a reliable and competent talent for helping them leverage the optimal value from business data. The amount of data generated by businesses…