Fine-tuning blue/green deployments on application load balancer

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedFine-tuning blue/green deployments on application load balancer In a traditional approach to application deployment, you typically fix a failed deployment by redeploying an older, stable version of the application. Redeployment in traditional data centers is typically done on the same set of resources due to the cost and effort of provisioning additional…

AWS Database Migration Service now supports Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a source

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAWS Database Migration Service now supports Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a source AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) has expanded functionality by adding support for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a source. Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fast, scalable, highly available, and fully managed document database service…

Deploying and using the Document Understanding Solution

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedDeploying and using the Document Understanding Solution Based on our day to day experience, the information we consume is entirely digital. We read the news on our mobile devices far more than we do from printed copy newspapers. Tickets for sporting events, music concerts, and airline travel are stored in apps on…

How to implement password-less authentication with Amazon Cognito and WebAuthn

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedHow to implement password-less authentication with Amazon Cognito and WebAuthn In this blog post, I show you how to offer a password-less authentication experience to your customers. To do this, you’ll allow physical security keys or platform authenticators (like finger-print scanners) to be used as the authentication factor to your web or…