Accessing external components using Amazon Redshift Lambda UDFs

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAccessing external components using Amazon Redshift Lambda UDFs Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully managed cloud data warehouse. It makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL, your existing ETL (extract, transform, and load), business intelligence (BI), and reporting tools. Tens of thousands of…

Distributed Tracing using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedDistributed Tracing using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry More and more applications are being developed using serverless architectures with multiple microservices. Customers use managed AWS services including AWS Lambda, Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS running on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) and AWS Fargate for running their code along with services like Amazon API Gateway, Amazon SNS,…

Introducing retry strategies for AWS Batch

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedIntroducing retry strategies for AWS Batch This post is contributed by Christian Kniep, Sr. Developer Advocate, HPC and AWS Batch. Scientists, researchers, and engineers are using AWS Batch to run workloads reliably at scale, and to offload the undifferentiated heavy lifting in their day-to-day work. But even with a slight chance of…