Azure Storage classic metrics will be retired on 31 August 2023
Transition to using metrics in Azure Monitor
Transition to using metrics in Azure Monitor
Amazon Web Services FeedDeploying defense in depth using AWS Managed Rules for AWS WAF (part 2) In this post, I show you how to use recent enhancements in AWS WAF to manage a multi-layer web application security enforcement policy. These enhancements will help you to maintain and deploy web application firewall configurations across deployment stages…
Amazon Web Services FeedAWS Cost & Usage Report now offers Monthly Granularity
Amazon Web Services FeedField Notes: Building a Shared Account Structure Using AWS Organizations For customers considering the AWS Solution Provider Program, there are challenges to mitigate when building a shared account model with SI partners. AWS Organizations make it possible to build the right account structure to support a resale arrangement. In this engagement model,…
Amazon Web Services FeedQuickly Visualize Marketing Analytics and Ads Data with Matillion, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon QuickSight By Karey Graham, Partner Technical Success Manager at MatillionBy Dilip Rajan, Partner Solution Architect at AWS Google Analytics and Google Ads are popular platforms for customers who need to make data-driven decisions about the performance of their web…