AWS Site-to-Site VPN now supports Internet Key Exchange (IKE) initiation

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAWS Site-to-Site VPN now supports Internet Key Exchange (IKE) initiation You can now initiate Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiations for your VPN connections from AWS. This feature is available for new and existing Site-to-Site VPN connections and can be accessed through the AWS Management console, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), or the…

Building Salesforce integrations with Amazon EventBridge and Amazon AppFlow

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedBuilding Salesforce integrations with Amazon EventBridge and Amazon AppFlow This post is courtesy of Den Delimarsky, Senior Product Manager, and Vinay Kondapi, Senior Product Manager. The integration between Amazon EventBridge and Amazon AppFlow enables customers to receive and react to events from Salesforce in their event-driven applications. In this blog post, I…

Amazon SNS launches client library supporting message payloads of up to 2 GB

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAmazon SNS launches client library supporting message payloads of up to 2 GB Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) now has launched an open-source Extended Client Library for Java that enables you to publish and deliver messages with payloads up to 2GB. Previously, message payloads were supported up to 256KB. Using the Extended…