Azure Cloud Shell can now run in an isolated virtual network (public preview)
Cloud Shell now supports virtual networks.
Cloud Shell now supports virtual networks.
Infrastructure double encryption adds a second layer of encryption and a different encryption algorithm which gives an additional layer of protection for your data at rest.
Data encryption with customer-managed keys for Azure Database for MySQL enables you to bring your own key (BYOK) for data protection at rest.
Infrastructure double encryption adds a second layer of encryption using a FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic module and a different encryption algorithm which gives an additional layer of protection for your data at rest.
NCas T4 v3 Series VMs are now available for preview in US West 2.
Amazon Web Services FeedBuilding a Pulse Oximetry tracker using AWS Amplify and AWS serverless This guide demonstrates an example solution for collecting, tracking, and sharing pulse oximetry data for multiple users. It’s built using AWS serverless technologies, enabling reliable scalability and security. The frontend application is written in VueJS and uses the Amplify Framework. It…