Serverless SWOT analysis

By Dustin Ward

Building a serverless application means you usually trade in old issues for new ones. This is an attempt to create a decision framework and break down arguments for and against using serverless vs. other computing models. If you ever find yourself deciding for or against serverless the following tries to make the decision easier for…

[Infographic] AWS RDS from a Serverless perspective

By Dustin Ward

In this article, we’ll deep dive into all the basics to help you decide if AWS RDS is the right decision for your architecture and help you hit the ground running if you do end up AWS RDS. For many decades now, relational databases (RDS) have been the place to store your data. They are…

We can do better failure detection in serverless applications

By Dustin Ward

Traditionally in white-box monitoring, error reporting has been achieved with third party libraries, that catch and communicate failures to external services and notify developers whenever a problem occurs. I’m here to argue that for managed services this can be achieved with less effort, no agents and without performance overhead. In fact, there’s a lot of…

AWS Elastic Load Balancing from a serverless perspective [infographic]

By Dustin Ward

Load balancing is a significant part of every internet-facing software, and with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), AWS offers a set of load balancers for every use case.  Since our latest update, Dashbird also gives you insights into these ELB services; let’s look at them and see how they can be used in a serverless environment. What is Elastic…

Answering the biggest AWS Lambda questions

By Dustin Ward

AWS Lambda offers you a variety of benefits like real-time data processing, custom back-end service and a lot more. Wish you knew the ins-and-outs of this system so you could decide if it’s the right fit for you? With so much information available about AWS Lambda, it can be hard to know what it is…

Dashbird now integrates with 5 new AWS services

By Dustin Ward

TL;DR: Dashbird launches observability for five new AWS services (ELB, SNS, RDS, OpenSearch, and HTTP API Gateway) to allow for a faster, more secure, and smoother serverless observability experience. Dashbird, the leading monitoring platform for serverless AWS applications, announces five new AWS integrations. On top of the existing integrations supported, the company is on its…