Serverless security hazards and trends to consider

By Dustin Ward

Fourteen billion dollars — that’s the projected global market size for serverless, which is supposed to grow by about 26 percent annually in the next few years, according to the recent Global Serverless Architecture Market report. The fast pace of adoption of serverless is hardly surprising because the technology can save significant costs for companies. It can…

Announcing preview of AWS Private 5G

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAnnouncing preview of AWS Private 5G Today, we are announcing the preview of AWS Private 5G, a new managed service that helps enterprises set up and scale private 5G mobile networks in their facilities in days instead of months. With just a few clicks in the AWS console, customers specify where they want to build…

Enabling Digital Automation in Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) for Public Sector Partners and Customers Using AWS AI

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedEnabling Digital Automation in Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) for Public Sector Partners and Customers Using AWS AI By Sid Singh, Tech BD, WWPS Partner Service Integration and Sales – AWSBy Nithin Reddy Cheruku, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect – AWSBy Abhishek Ram, Head WWPS Partner Service Integration – AWS Government and public sector agencies often…

AWS Security Profiles: Jenny Brinkley, Director, AWS Security

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAWS Security Profiles: Jenny Brinkley, Director, AWS Security In the week leading up to AWS re:Invent 2021, we’ll share conversations we’ve had with people at AWS who will be presenting, and get a sneak peek at their work. How long have you been at AWS, and what do you do in your current role?…

Introducing Amazon EC2 M6a instances

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedIntroducing Amazon EC2 M6a instances Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces the general availability of general purpose Amazon EC2 M6a instances. M6a instances are powered by 3rd generation AMD EPYC (code named Milan) processors with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.6 GHz, deliver up to 35% better price performance compared to M5a instances, and 10%…