Field Notes: Building On-Demand Disaster Recovery for IBM DB2 on AWS

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedField Notes: Building On-Demand Disaster Recovery for IBM DB2 on AWS With the increased adoption of critical applications running in the cloud, customers often find themselves revisiting traditional strategies that were adopted for on-premises workloads. When it comes to IBM DB2, one of the first decisions to make is to decide what backup and…

Accelo uses Amazon QuickSight to accelerate time to value in delivering embedded analytics to professional services businesses

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAccelo uses Amazon QuickSight to accelerate time to value in delivering embedded analytics to professional services businesses This is a guest post by Accelo. In their own words, “Accelo is the leading cloud-based platform for managing client work, from prospect to payment, for professional services companies. Each month, tens of thousands of Accelo users…

Deploying AWS Lambda layers automatically across multiple Regions

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedDeploying AWS Lambda layers automatically across multiple Regions This post is written by Ben Freiberg, Solutions Architect, and Markus Ziller, Solutions Architect. Many developers import libraries and dependencies into their AWS Lambda functions. These dependencies can be zipped and uploaded as part of the build and deployment process but it’s often easier to use Lambda…

Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels now offers an enhanced experience to train computer vision models more easily

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAmazon Rekognition Custom Labels now offers an enhanced experience to train computer vision models more easily Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels is an automated machine learning (AutoML) service that allows you to build custom computer vision models to detect objects and scenes specific to your business needs without the need of in-depth machine learning expertise.…

Using Databricks SQL on Photon to Power Your AWS Lake House

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedUsing Databricks SQL on Photon to Power Your AWS Lake House By Volker Tjaden, Partner Solutions Architect and APN Ambassador – Databricks Databricks, an AWS Partner with the Data and Analytics Competency, recently released Databricks SQL, a dedicated workspace for data analysts. It comprises a native SQL editor, drag-and-drop dashboards, and built-in connectors for…