Amazon EMR 6.4 release version now supports Apache Spark 3.1.2

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAmazon EMR 6.4 release version now supports Apache Spark 3.1.2 Amazon EMR 6.4 release version now supports Apache Spark 3.1.2 and provides runtime improvements with Amazon EMR Runtime for Apache Spark. Amazon EMR 6.4 provides Presto runtime improvements for PrestoDB 0.254, and runtime improvements for Apache Hive 3.1.2 when you use AWS Glue Data…

How the TCS EZ Lake Access Solution Simplifies Data Lake House Access Management

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedHow the TCS EZ Lake Access Solution Simplifies Data Lake House Access Management By Jitesh Bhattacharjee, Delivery Partner – TCSBy Nicolas Weydert, Chief Architect – TCSBy Sanjay Gupta, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect – AWS TCS Many organizations leverage unstructured data collected from social media feeds, stock streaming, and data clickstream to gain insights about…

Organize product data to your taxonomy with Amazon SageMaker

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedOrganize product data to your taxonomy with Amazon SageMaker When companies deal with data that comes from various sources or the collection of this data has changed over time, the data often becomes difficult to organize. Perhaps you have product category names that are similar but don’t match, and on your website you want…

Transforming Customer Experience and Boosting Retention with AI-Powered Contact Centers

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedTransforming Customer Experience and Boosting Retention with AI-Powered Contact Centers By Shivansh Singh, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect, I&A – AWSBy Arijit Majumder, Global Alliance & Marketing Manager – Quantiphi Quantiphi Today’s global marketplace relies heavily on contact centers for streamlining, maintaining, and maximizing customer service and sales at scale. However, with the increase in…

Deploying OpenMRS Electronic Health Record (EHR) system on AWS

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedDeploying OpenMRS Electronic Health Record (EHR) system on AWS Digitization in the healthcare industry, led by electronic health record (EHR) system adoption, has positively impacted the workflow of healthcare professionals (HCP) and patient care. Now EHR systems are a critical tool in healthcare delivery. The design and functionality of a good EHR system closely…