Get started and keep using AWS for free

By Dustin Ward

Getting started with AWS and adding your credit card to your own account feels scary, but there are ways to get free credits so you can sleep better in the beginning. In this article, we’ll cover some tricks and tips to get started and keep using AWS for free. Stepping into some new terrain is…

Python error handling in AWS Lambda

By Dustin Ward

Python, used in around 53% of all Lambda functions, is the most popular language for doing Serverless. In this article, you’ll get an overview of the need-to-knows for error handling Python in AWS Lambda. Failure types There are a lot of different things that can go wrong in your Lambda so let’s break each of…

AWS identity and access management

By Dustin Ward

From the basic to advanced concepts of AWS own service for identity and access management: users, groups, permissions for resources and much more. For seriously working with AWS, there’s no way around its Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. Skipping to understand its core principles will bite you again and again in the future️. Take…

Visual monitoring of applications with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedVisual monitoring of applications with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics Monitoring application endpoints is a reliable way to measure availability. This best practice can be extended by adding synthetic monitoring to your observability strategy. Synthetic monitoring lets you continually verify your customers’ experience by following the same routes and actions as your customers. You can create…