How APN Navigate Helps Partners Build, Market, Sell, and Specialize with AWS

By Dustin Ward

APN Navigate is how many organizations are moving through their AWS Partner Network (APN) journey and leveraging exclusive tools and resources to grow their business. With prescriptive guidance from trusted AWS experts, APN Navigate provides a step-by-step path to help you build, market, sell, and specialize as an APN Partner. You’ll develop core go-to-market assets and…

Build a Serverless Web Application with AWS Lambda

By Dustin Ward

One of the most talked-about terms in the IT world in recent times is serverless computing. Almost every enterprise is curious about the advantages that they can gain from a serverless web application. Serverless computing, as the name implies, takes away the need for depending on servers. You can develop and run applications and services without…

This Week in Security News: New Bluetooth Vulnerability Exposes Billions of Devices to Hackers and Backdoor, Devil Shadow Botnet Hidden in Fake Zoom Installers

By Dustin Ward

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, read about a new security vulnerability in Bluetooth that could potentially allow an attacker to spoof a remotely paired device. Also, learn about two malware files that…

Is My Container Image Secure? CI/CD Container Scanning using Trend Micro Deep Security Smart Check and AWS CodePipeline

By Dustin Ward

Introduction Many enterprises attempt to drive software development and delivery towards a DevOps mindset. Likewise, organizations struggle with increasing security challenges while adopting these innovative software practices. Embedding security within the deployment lifecycle is non-negotiable. Therefore, integration of security into CI/CD workflows need to be done cautiously to meet an ever-evolving technology landscape. DevSecOps is…

Gain customer insights using Amazon Aurora machine learning

By Dustin Ward

In recent years, AWS customers have been running machine learning (ML) on an increasing variety of datasets and data sources. Because a large percentage of organizational data is stored in relational databases such as Amazon Aurora, there’s a common need to make this relational data available for training ML models, and to use ML models…