Introducing a new experience for AWS Systems Manager

By Dustin Ward

Today, I’m excited to introduce a new and improved version of AWS Systems Manager that brings a highly requested cross-account, and cross-Region experience for managing nodes at scale. The new System Manager experience provides centralized visibility of all your managed nodes which include various infrastructure types, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, containers,…

Improve your app authentication workflow with new Amazon Cognito features

By Dustin Ward

Introduced 10 years ago, Amazon Cognito is a service that helps you implement customer identity and access management (CIAM) in your web and mobile applications. You can use Amazon Cognito for various use cases, from providing your customers to quickly add sign-in and sign-up experiences to your applications and authorization to securing machine-to-machine authentication and…

Track performance of serverless applications built using AWS Lambda with Application Signals

By Dustin Ward

In November 2023, we announced Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals, an AWS built-in application performance monitoring (APM) solution, to solve the complexity associated with monitoring performance of distributed systems for applications hosted on Amazon EKS, Amazon ECS, and Amazon EC2. Application Signals automatically correlates telemetry across metrics, traces, and logs, to speed up troubleshooting and reduce…