Data Factory adds management hub, inline datasets, and support for CDM in data flows
Azure Data Factory adds new features for ADF pipelines, Synapse pipelines and data flow formats
Azure Data Factory adds new features for ADF pipelines, Synapse pipelines and data flow formats
The latest Azure Site Recovery updates provides fixes and download links for Site Recovery components.
Starting with agent version ciprod05262020, Azure Monitor for containers will collect logs (std/stderr) for the containers running on AKS clusters with Windows node pools.
Enforce a minimal TLS version at the server level that applies to Azure Database for PostgreSQL using the new TLS version setting.
Enforce a minimal TLS version at the server level that applies to Azure Database for MariaDB using the new TLS version setting.
Enforce a minimal transport layer security (TLS) version at the server level that applies to Azure Database for MySQL using the new TLS version setting.