AppSync: how to compare strings lexicographically in VTL

By Dustin Ward

I had been working on a client project where I built the GraphQL backend for a new social network using primarily AppSync, Lambda and DynamoDB. One of the features of the app was to support private messaging between two users. To allow either user to fetch their chat messages in chronological descending order, I modelled…

Building Developer Sandboxes on AWS with Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

By Dustin Ward

Identity Management had a curious beginning in the early 1500s in England, where parish churches kept elaborate written records “for the purpose of preventing bigamy and consanguineous marriage.” It was the invention of the automobile 400 years later that furthered the creation of personal identification when in 1903 two US states issued the first driver’s…

Principles of a Cloud Migration – Security W5H – The When

By Dustin Ward

If you have to ask yourself when to implement security, you probably need a time machine! Security is as important to your migration as the actual workload you are moving to the cloud. Read that again. It is essential to be planning and integrating security at every single layer of both architecture and implementation. What…

Solving with AWS Solutions: AI Powered Health Data Masking

By Dustin Ward

Solution Link: The AI-Powered Health Data Masking solution helps healthcare organizations identify and mask health data in images or text. This solution uses Amazon Comprehend Medical to detect health data in a body of text, Amazon Rekognition to identify text in an image, Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda to provide an API interface…