Authenticate Azure Stream Analytics to Azure SQL Database using managed identities (preview)
Azure Stream Analytics now supports managed identity authentication with Azure SQL Database.
Azure Stream Analytics now supports managed identity authentication with Azure SQL Database.
New Azure IoT Central features, including new template and support for Azure Sphere and Azure IoT Edge, are now available.
Unify and simplify your image building process across Azure and Azure Stack using Azure VM Image Builder. It helps give you ease of use with automated image building pipeline, management for the images you’ve built, and DevOps integration with Azure DevOps and other DevOps management solutions you use. In addition, it enables Azure integration for…
Microsoft Learn will launch “Learn TV,” daily live programming and discussions for developers and a one-stop shop to learn and grow with live content from Microsoft Cloud Advocates and Product Group leaders.
Announcing Project Bonsai, Microsoft’s machine teaching service to create intelligent industrial control systems, along with Project Moab, a new open-source balancing robot to help engineers and developers learn how to build these real-world autonomous systems.
In this Webinar learn how to build a CI/CD pipeline on AWS using CodePipeLine, CodeDeploy, CodeCommit and more. Don’t miss our future webinars in Hebrew! Join the the AWS Floor28 Tel Aviv technical community: