Serverless Workflows using S3 and Lambda

By Dustin Ward

AWS Step Functions allows to represent complex business logic flows in your application without using custom code. You can trigger Step Functions workflows from S3 events, enabling you to build scalable state machine easily. This design can be used for all sorts of practical business use-cases. For example, saving a signed customer contract from an…

Serverless Automated Translation Using S3 and Lambda

By Dustin Ward

Learn how you can use bring automated natural language translation into your applications with minimal code. This solution uses Amazon Translate to automatically convert between dozens of different languages. This can be useful for many applications. In this walkthrough, you’ll see how to implement a automated and scalable translation process for assets stored in an…

Serverless Data Import to DynamoDB using S3 and Lambda

By Dustin Ward

Amazon DynamoDB is a fast, web-scale NoSQL database that is central to many serverless applications. The S3-to-Lambda pattern can be used to load data into a DynamoDB table directly from objects stored in an S3 bucket. Whether you have a handful of very large files, or many smaller ones, this approach loads the data quickly…