Build a work-from-home posture tracker with AWS DeepLens and GluonCV

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedBuild a work-from-home posture tracker with AWS DeepLens and GluonCV Working from home can be a big change to your ergonomic setup, which can make it hard for you to keep a healthy posture and take frequent breaks throughout the day. To help you maintain good posture and have fun with machine…

How to retroactively encrypt existing objects in Amazon S3 using S3 Inventory, Amazon Athena, and S3 Batch Operations

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedHow to retroactively encrypt existing objects in Amazon S3 using S3 Inventory, Amazon Athena, and S3 Batch Operations Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, performance, security, and data availability. With Amazon S3, you can choose from three different server-side encryption configurations when uploading objects:…

Modernizing and containerizing a legacy MVC .NET application with Entity Framework to .NET Core with Entity Framework Core: Part 1

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedModernizing and containerizing a legacy MVC .NET application with Entity Framework to .NET Core with Entity Framework Core: Part 1 Tens of thousands of .NET applications are running across the world, many of which are ASP.NET web applications. This number becomes interesting when you consider that the .NET framework, as we know…

AWS Architecture Monthly Magazine: Advertising & Marketing

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAWS Architecture Monthly Magazine: Advertising & Marketing With 200+ services and 15 years of proven expertise, AWS has everything you need to build faster, operate cost-effectively, and run virtually any advertising and marketing technology workload at petabyte scale and millisecond latency. For the July issue, we spoke to three Advertising & Marketing…

Develop an application migration methodology to modernize your data warehouse with Amazon Redshift

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedDevelop an application migration methodology to modernize your data warehouse with Amazon Redshift Data in every organization is growing in volume and complexity faster than ever. However, only a fraction of this invaluable asset is available for analysis. Traditional on-premises MPP data warehouses such as Teradata, IBM Netezza, Greenplum, and Vertica have…

Are Lambda-to-Lambda calls really so bad?

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAre Lambda-to-Lambda calls really so bad? If you utter the words “I call a Lambda function from another Lambda function” you might receive a bunch of raised eyebrows. It’s generally frowned up for some good reasons, but as with most things, there are nuances to this discussion. In most cases, a Lambda function…