Generally available: Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry-based Distro for ASP.NET Core Applications
Use OpenTelemetry-based instrumentation with vender-neutral APIs to power metrics, logs, and distributed traces in Azure Monitor application insights.
Use OpenTelemetry-based instrumentation with vender-neutral APIs to power metrics, logs, and distributed traces in Azure Monitor application insights.
Azure NetApp Files 1 TiB capacity pool sizes, when used with volumes using standard network features is now in preview.
Azure NetApp Files now supports smaller 2 TiB capacity pool sizes, lowered from 4 TiB, when used with volumes using standard network features.
Azure Automation supports PowerShell 7.2 runbooks (General Availability).
The general availability of Defender for APIs, a new offering as part of Microsoft Defender for Cloud, that helps organizations prevent, detect, and respond to API threats with an integrated cloud security context.
You can now create and manage Azure Managed Prometheus rule groups, alert rules and recording rules in the Azure Portal