Sponsored Post: StackHawk, InterviewCamp.io, Educative, Triplebyte, Stream, Fauna

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedSponsored Post: StackHawk, InterviewCamp.io, Educative, Triplebyte, Stream, Fauna Who’s Hiring?  InterviewCamp.io has hours of system design content. They also do live system design discussions every week. They break down interview prep into fundamental building blocks. Try out their platform. Triplebyte lets exceptional software engineers skip screening steps at hundreds of top tech…

Amazon FSx is now available in the AWS Canada (Central) Region

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAmazon FSx is now available in the AWS Canada (Central) Region Amazon FSx, a fully managed service that makes it easy to launch and run feature-rich and highly-performant file systems, is now available in the AWS Canada (Central) Region. With Amazon FSx, customers can leverage the rich feature sets and fast performance…

AWS CodeArtifact and your package management flow – Best Practices for Integration

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAWS CodeArtifact and your package management flow – Best Practices for Integration You often use artifact repositories to store and share software or deployment packages. Centralized artifacts enable teams to operate independently and share versioned software artifacts across your organization. Sharing versioned artifacts across organizations increases code reuse and reduces delivery time.…

The importance of encryption and how AWS can help

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedThe importance of encryption and how AWS can help Encryption is a critical component of a defense-in-depth strategy, which is a security approach with a series of defensive mechanisms designed. It means if one security mechanism fails, there’s at least one more still operating. As more organizations look to operate faster and…

Software Package Management with AWS CodeArtifact

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedSoftware Package Management with AWS CodeArtifact Software artifact repositories and their associated package managers are an essential component of development. Downloading and referencing pre-built libraries of software with a package manager, at the point in time the libraries are needed, simplifies both development and build processes. A variety of package repositories can…

Field Notes: Choosing a Rehost Migration Tool – CloudEndure or AWS SMS

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedField Notes: Choosing a Rehost Migration Tool – CloudEndure or AWS SMS Field Notes provides hands-on technical guidance from AWS Solutions Architects, consultants, and technical account managers, based on their experiences in the field solving real-world business problems for customers. For customers that choose a rehost migration strategy (also known as lift-and-shift)…